
iWakening & Healy Mentorship Program

What do they say?

Lars Erik Eriksen

I started Samaya’s mentorship feeling confused. I was living a life where I did not feel alive or inspired. I was completely lost in terms of my career, my personal life, who I was, and where I was going in life. In just 3 months she has given me more clarity, sense of self, inspiration, drive, success, and happiness than I ever believed possible.

Her presence is unheard of, she has been and continues to be the single most profound influence I have had in my life. I have achieved a sense of calmness, happiness, and purpose I have been longing for my entire life. I have finally traveled out into the world to pursue my dreams, something I have dreamt about for the last 15 years… Her ability to mirror exactly what you need, create a safe space, and give you the right tools to propel you forward is...beyond belief.

I continue to be deeply amazed by Samaya and the impact she has on every level of my being. I often feel like just having Samayas presence in my life is cheating. I achieve results in a week that would have taken me years before. The rate at which I evolve as a human being is both mind-blowing and humbling.

Triana Iglesias

Working with Samaya improved everything in my life. Samaya has assisted me on my journey to change my entire life for the better. It’s hard to express how magical and amazing this journey has been - and still is. I learn new things every day. I now understand and appreciate all the things that are happening in my life. I praise it with gratitude and curiosity. Life is exciting and amazing, even though it can be difficult sometimes. But when I have the iWakening tools to face the challenges, I can get in touch with new things in myself that become so so rewarding. It really gives a new spark to my life. I can really say I love life to the fullest now. I’m truly in my own flow. I feel much closer to my heart - my core being and my unique self.

Ane Sommerstad

Samaya's Mentorship and guidance have been nothing less than “The Trojan Horse“ in my life. Moving out of a 15 yearlong toxic relationship, I left with minus zero moneywise, no home, and two daughters, it was a demanding place to start my new life. Old survival mechanisms, lack of energy, barely getting month by month, and the traumas left me with weekly migraines, and a lot of stress.

During Samayas mentorship I broke free from those survival patterns into trust in life and its unfolding. I accelerated my life on all levels in a matter of months, feelings of fear and scarcity were substituted with trust, flow, inspiration, new possibilities and I changed my economy around in a matter of months.

The empowerment from understanding my purpose, my zone of genius, and myself to such an extent is truly liberating. I am now more the mother I want to be for my daughters. Forever grateful beyond words.

Lorena Leveque

This mentorship has totally fulfilled my expectations. I learned more about myself and achieved a step forward in my spiritual journey. I definitely feel more connected with my heart and myself as a person. I feel more sure about where I want to go and my mission.

Samaya is a professional that gives everything so her students have a better understanding of the lessons she is teaching at the moment. She doesn’t mind if we have to use more time, or have more meetings for everyone to understand it. I FELT SEEN.

I would definitely recommend this mentorship to friends who are on the path of becoming more spiritual /willing to work more deeply with themselves in doing business.

Hedda Marlene

It has been life-changing for me, really the best thing I have done in my whole life. It was tough but it was so worth it! I am blown away by HOW AMAZING Samaya is. Her ability to hold space for so many people, all of her knowledge and wisdom, and her spirit are amazing!

I learned so much and I have pushed through some of the blockages that have been holding me back from living from purpose. The best thing about the whole mentorship course was to be part of such an amazing group of people who have become my family and I will always carry them in my heart <3 

I am doing my best to keep on going, now that I have all of these tools I know that I can live the life I always have dreamed of if I just keep on going and working with myself <3 My Healy business is the number one focus now. I know that in time I will learn more and more and I do believe strongly in Healy and I know that this is something the world needs!!

Lea Hagberg

This mentorship was an amazing journey. It exceeded every expectation. It changed the way I see the world, myself, and my life, and has given me so much. I have been able to give myself the freedom I've always longed for, and realized what amazing potential I have! This mentorship has literally changed my life, and I am grateful beyond words!

I have so much more passion in life today, and this mentorship helped me so much in finding my path and my dream. I now know what I want to do with my life, and what I am going to bring to this world, and that is what I feel I have sought for a long time.

Samaya was an unbelievably loving and safe mentor that supported me every step I took. She is the most wonderful mentor and human being. She sees YOU for YOU. She gives us the tools to do this in a way that becomes healing, not destructive, and I will always admire that! Not only from her, I got overwhelmed by the support from the rest of the group as well, and it really became a safe space for everybody to share the ups and downs. There were also webinars with other Great teachers, which was a great surprise! Thank you so much <3