Photo is taken when Samaya is sharing her Quantum Flow State Method at Mind Valley - A-Fest

Dive into the frequency of your heart, heal, transform and take a quantum leap into YOU as multi-dimensional BEING


Rebirthing into a new reality.

Beyond the programming of the past, beyond the illusions of the known, you dive into the void of the unknown. The Zero Point Field of your Consciousness! The space where you align with your Quantum Field, you as a Divine Being, you as a Multi-Dimensional Being! 

This is when the awakening happens - this is the transcendental moment where we abandon everything that we know... We begin to experience the realm of the unknown as the mystery of the self is being revealed to us. We are ready to explore all perspectives and realities beyond the mind's understanding! 

We suddenly find ourselves in a place where everything is possible… Where real co-creation starts and everything in our life begins to calibrate towards healing, total confidence, authentic expression, true creativity, abundance, and divine sovereignty! We no longer live by the limitations of this 3D-Reality, but rather embody the authentic expression of the divine and manifest true freedom into this life. 

Are you ready to take a QUANTUM LEAP into the expansive evolution of your heart and align with the frequency of your highest self? To break through and release what is holding you back and experience moments of true awakening. Shifting from 3D to 5D reality.

If the answer is YES, this is for you!

This 5 hour bootcamp is the first step on this transformational journey to become the person you deep within know you already are, but don't know how to become just yet! 

Let's come together and learn how to move this precious body, mind, and spirit into coherence with the frequency of love and rebirth into who we really are as true divine beings, embodied into this physical manifestation of human experience!

So what is your takeaway!?

You will learn some of the iWakening Tools that you need to break through limitations, release blocks, and heal traumas to allow more of the TRUE ESSENCE OF YOU to come through! You as Devine Love. That is true HEALING!

Remember you are your own GURU! 

The iWakening modalities are profound and life-changing and through this Bootcamp you will be introduced to these modalities; 

  • Quantum Flow State Method includes:
    • Kundalini Activations
    • Quantum Flow Breath work
    • Trauma Release
    • Meditations
    • Heart Activations
    • Movement
    • Organ de-armouring
    • Life Force Activations

All as a part of iWakening´s 7-Step training to Life Mastery which are;

  • Awareness Training
  • Mindset Training
  • Heart Healing Training
  • Trauma Release Training
  • Spiritual Alignment Training
  • Embodiment and Integration Training
  • Manifestation Training

This will catapult you towards Quantum Flow and Profound Empowerment. You will leave with great takeaways that will create huge shifts in your life ahead.

This profound iWakening experience is purely happening by your own powerful inner magic, you're quantum field, without any substances.


Let's connect, feel, heal, release and open up for more of life!

We will create a SAFE space for you to move beyond your illusions and dive into your heart to realize your fullest potential and truest purpose.

We so much look forward to being a part of your journey back home to your heart!

NB: The Quantum Flow State Method have many unique programs, working with different issues and themes based on what is needed in your transformational journey!
It can be customized as 2, 3, 5 hour sessions or more.


The Spiritual Gym 

The Quantum Flow State Method is designed to take you on a deep transformational journey through activating your true flow state! When you are in your flow state you can take quantum leaps into the expansive evolution of your heart and align with the frequency of your higher self. It accelerates deep breakthroughs and releases what is holding you back and illuminates your 5D reality so that you can experience a moment of true awakening! 

The Quantum Flow State Method includes many different programs, 
as well as the 7 step training to Life-Mastery. This is a flexible and synergetic system to achieve a holistic understanding of how to move forward on your self-development journey!

This Training is a combination of many ancient directions combined with Samaya's QUANTUM FLOW STATE METHOD!

Whether you are an entrepreneur, parent, athlete, or spiritual practitioner, you will benefit from this program as it works holistically on all levels. Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

The program will help you accelerate your flow state that brings more freedom, happiness, abundance, and deep contentment in your life.

Real transformation happens on the inside.

In the Spiritual Gym, we train on all levels of consciousness and get to the core business of what creates and sustains changes on an individual level.

Don't take our words for it.

Here are inspirational testimonials from iWakening participants

"I am forever grateful for finding a mentor and a teacher that is pure love." - Anette Prois 

"I can really say I love life to the fullest now. I’m truly in my own flow, I feel much closer to my heart - my core being and my unique self." - Triana Iglesias

"A huge benefit for me is I feel in love with myself - finally! Thank you for existing!" - Hanne Hillren

"I feel awakened, more alive, more passionate, happier to live and to be me. I feel happy to be in this body which I never did before." - Lindera Tamara

"This is one of the best things I have done for myself." - Irma Jorganovic

"I love the tools that is given. In fact, I’ve never come across anything quite like this." - Susie T Hill

"You have helped so much and I am eternally grateful! You have given me the best gift anyone has given me on my journey in our galaxy." - Nancy N Halvorsen

"It is a lot of Gurus out there, but you are an angel and have the energy to fill a whole room full of people" - Miriam Moen

"I am so eternally grateful to you for this. It became a very significant piece of my healing, and a big step in my soul evolution." - Kristin Sund

"The tools and exercises were amazing, it really made me release blockages in my energy system and made me connect more with my body and my heart." - Tora Malene

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iWakening Quantum Flow State

Let's connect, feel, heal, release and open up for more of life!